Here, and here.

The Andrew Sullivan/James Joyner vs. DougJ and John Cole debate (linked above) strikes me as very important to discuss at this particular point in our history. And at least Joyner and Cole/DougJ take comments.

We need to reduce defense by about 25%, raise taxes on the rich, means test safety net programs, dramatically invest in infrastructure and alternate energy, and soon, or we are going to be sniffing China’s ass for the next 200 years, or until they get as stupid as we did, whichever comes first. And has any ex-#1 EVER reclaimed their status in the realm of geopolitics?

I don’t recall one. But I’m not an intellectual.

Strength comes from within.

Well, at least we can all agree that their internal ranking system was pretty normal.

Jesus lives!

It really is ridiculous.

If they actually believed what they preached, they’d all be rotting in Hell and taking it up the hiney against their will.

In fact, 30 years is a nanosecond in Catholic Church chronology.

I’m sick of these people telling me right and wrong. I think my Mom and Dad did just fine on that, and they wouldn’t have let me off the hook for 30 years of child molesting, no way, no how.

(They were also very good about small potatoes right-wrong stuff, just for the record.)

Pathetic, but it will work.

Nice post by DougJ.

I suppose I’m doing all right and that’s that, but the power Corporate Man has over us, including our health care, is a frightening thing indeed.

I’m right with DougJ on this one. The Wall St. behavior and success sealed the deal for me.

Hat tip to DougJ at Balloon Juice.

Our corporate media is a miserable failure in a malignant way.

As I say to people in real life as a description of Corporate News, “Well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Some say the earth is flat, some say round. We’ll have to leave it right there.”

Probably screwed because it is 12-22, with some reason since by definition it hasn’t withstood the test of time.


Spectacular “Duh.”

Sarah Palin continues to impress.

Update: The commentary at BJ is awfully smart and funny.

Besides thanking George W. Bush for making me glad I’m as old as I am, being the “make some lemonade” kind of guy that I am, I think I’ve found another.

The NY Times (and several other publications, to be fair) have been writing a lot of stories about how those poor, poor rich people are having to cut back. Atrios has been particularly alert to this, and they’re always funny, if one can distance one’s self from the utter horror of it all. It is about “entitlement.”

For just a whole lot of my decades-long sentient political life, I heard Republicans whining and whining to the point of boredom about poor people’s “sense of entitlement,” the “welfare mother” stuff writ large, so the Wall St. abortion has turned me into an almost Hulk-like figure should some sad person bring up “entitlement” in the context of poor people ever again, within my earshot.

Here’s kinda what I mean, in three lovely posts.




These people (Paul Sullivan) don’t have any idea where most of America resides. This is way, way off-the-reservation material.