June 2007

And the good Dr. at Eschaton quotes a spectacularly concise and increasingly obvious observation here.

Get a grip, and learn to live with it, or learn how to fight it. 

Those are the only choices left.

If one views the national public network/major cable Talking Head Show through this lens, you’ll get it.  Otherwise, you’ll think the opinions expressed by the Washington Elite are yours, which would be fantastically stupid.

And David Broder is fantastically outdated and clueless.

Kudos, again, to Hammer of the Blogs, a smart and funny website for us political junkies.

Update:  J.H. does a nice job explaining the Coulter phemonemon, and the Media’s hopeless and horrifying uselessness, here.  Plus, he uses lyrics from the Helter Skelter of the 80’s, “Sabatoge.”  No small bonus.

Howie does a great job illustrating how the GOP would be lost without the Moron Constituency of American politics.  And he makes a compelling case of how feeding the dragon of fear and hate and prejudice, that, well, they just may get what they asked for.

I’ve long said that without the uninformed, uneducated, homophobic, bigoted slice (if one can call 25% a “slice”) of our voters the GOP would be lost.

It is possible that we could see this dynamic in stupendous form in 2008, but no, the Dems are too stupid to avoid nominating Hillary.

It’s frustrating.  And so is the fact that she and her husband don’t recognize it.  In at least one way, the two of them are just like the GOP:  51% is enough.

The central missing ingredient in American politics today.  Particularly on the Republican side, though that’s just because they’ve been in power so long.

Say what you will about partisan politics; when you think “government IS the problem,” the mantra of those who captured power in 2000, there is a real good chance you won’t run it with much care or concern.  This has been the most incompetent, destructive Administration in my lifetime, by a mile (I’ll leave it to the historians to go back further) and it is plain and simple no longer funny, nor is the American Media’s or public indifference to it all.

We are circling the drain.

Sadly, No! does it right.

Jesus, those of us DFH’s in the “political know” have understood Cheney knew Dubya was a shallow drunken bully moron from Day 1 of Junior’s campaign (Ed Edit with ya!–and, literally, life,) and so Cheney picked…himself!…to be VP, because as a person who didn’t like the spotlight having a thoroughly manipulable POTUS and knowing how to turn the fine-tuning levers of power gave Dick a boner the likes Lynne has never seen. 

A damn Cialis/Viagra evil cocktail of wood.  A “call the ER” hard-on, as Cheney considered the Power he would have.  I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what caused a Dr. visit for the poor black-hearted, dead, bed-wetting soul that is the VP’s.

What kind of idiot, yeah, you, Broder, couldn’t see this 4 years ago?

One of the great life maxims of all-time:  Sometimes it is harder to see things from within them.

Take it or leave it, Dave, you insider moron.

I’m pretty sure this London plot foiled today will be revealed to be the work of amateurs.  (“Amateurs” best spoken with a Bostonian accent, as when one of my old golf partners would say about missing on the low side of a putt, “AMMitcha sod, John!”)  Always cracked me up.

Anyway, I know gasoline OK since I’ve been sniffing it happily all my life, and trying to keep flammable stuff away from it, as a good fire-starter, since I know it isn’t a really good explosive.  I don’t know yet about how much propane was in the cars.

But the phone calls didn’t work to detonate, and the perps are on camera.  It sounds to me like Scotland Yard already knows who they are.

AMMitcha wuk!  Kids, younger than 30, with a stupid axe to grind.  Welcome to Bush World, where winning those hearts and minds means blowing up as many innocents as possible.  Ann Coulter also subscribes to this theory.  Need I say more?

But the bedwetters scream, as if they could do something about those individuals committed to kill. 

Please, Lord, bring me The Rapture, and take these sissies away from me.  We’re going to live with this stuff for a long, long time, and worrying about it is for fools, and Cheney-like fraidycats.

Slow Friday news day.  I think there’s a 10% chance the whole thing is a hoax, given what I now have confirmed about President Cheney. 

…and other than The Rude Pundit, whom I linked in the post two down, and is probably too rude for some, this is the most intelligent, incisive and smart one I could find.

Kudos to J. Heywood.

Sure, I’m a dog-lover, because I think the whole “dogs are man’s best friend” deal is not at all exaggerated nor coincidental, so, putting your dog on your car’s roof for a family vacation?  And rinsing off both the car and the dog from the dog’s shit out of sheer dog-terror?  Then leaving the dog on the roof of the car?  Are you fucking kidding me?  You couldn’t find a place for it to stay?  Jesus, you could have left it at MY house if you declared your only other choice was to strap the poor loving loyal creature to the roof of your fucking car on a road trip.

Sorry, that’s a bit weird.  Even weirder than being a Mormon, as hard as that is to fathom.

What a crazy world we live in.  If the man wasn’t rich and famous, he’d be just another freak show in the great tapestry of American freak shows. 

Instead, we could elect him King of America, POTUS, Mr. Freak Show.

Though it is stealing a bit from the funny, brilliant folks at The Poorman Institute, I’m with them/him:  A well placed bullet between my eyes will not be quick enough to stop the smile from growing on my face before my head hits the ground.

Just make it clean.  Not a lot to ask.

You just can’t get it more right than this.  It is metaphysically impossible to probe the depths of the human condition that A.C. lives in with more accuracy and intelligence. 

If she’s a Christian, I’m Jesus Christ.  And make no mistake about it, Ann is the most sincere voice in the Republican party.  She is Their True Voice.

I have been linking a lot of The Rude lately, because I’m losing it, and he minces words like nobody out there.  The SCOTUS decisions of late have convinced me that the rest of my life will be subjected to corporate rule, the Cheney news in the WaPo (along with the Scooter apologists, the tax cuts, the overall climate) has convinced me there is no accountability whatsoever for those with enough money and power, the world’s hatred of us has convinced me that there is nothing left to live for if you are of a certain age.

It’s hard to keep fighting when you know The Man always wins.  So it is, has been, and will always be.  God bless my country, and may it R.I.P.

To those who wanted it, and voted for it, well, be careful of what you want.  And, fuck you you stupid ignorant hate-filled double-digit IQ losers.  I sat there dumbfounded watching Chris (“She sells books”) Matthews and MSNBC give her an hour to spew her hate.

Killing more, as Ann promotes, is not the answer, nor is it in any sensible read, “Christian.”

It’s a good thing nobody reads this blog, so I won’t be missed if I decide to give it up.  Personally, I have to disengage along with the other half of the country, the ones that don’t even bother to vote, or I’m going to get worse.

I’m awfully frisky when it comes to political debate; it was more or less a longstanding tradition in my family.  But I’m…tired, beaten, and discouraged.  If I stay out here, I’ll probably have given up personally, which I’m very close to already, to stay in the fight for the rest of you. 

I suppose it’s about time I sacrifice something.

Fred Thompson could beat Hillary.  ‘Nuff said.

I make no secret of my love of The Rude Pundit, whom I think has it right almost all the time.

Read Part 1.

Read Part 2.

Argue with me, and lose.  We are governed by money/power/morality whores, and if YOU don’t think it will make a difference in your life, or your children’s, well, then you, too, are a fucking moron loser who doesn’t care about your country. 

Christ, we are in some deep shit. 

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