Try as I might, I can’t find a downside to Obama choosing Wes Clark as his VP. I don’t even know if Clark would take it, but I sure do have a hard time figuring out the constituencies in which Clark would hurt Obama. He’s a pretty progressive guy, tougher than snapping snot off a fingernail, and has the military chops to assuage the lurking fear that Obama won’t make it *ahem* through his first term for some reason.

I lean against him taking another Senator, like Webb, because I think Obama needs all the strong Senate support he can get and I love me some Webb, and as far as Governors go, I think Sebelius would be a death blow, given my long held beliefs about people’s willingness to change. (A black guy AND a woman who isn’t Hillary? *shove* Get OUT!)

Here’s a good analysis from a non-Clark point of view.

I think choosing Clark would seal the deal.