I Netflx’d the first season, because I was *ahem* just curious.

I was entertained, but not inspired. It isn’t any surprise to me that gay people deal with most of the problems the rest of us do, but the show is set in a place they don’t have to deal with a lot of problems I’m sure most gay people have to deal with, you know, like the ones living outside what seemed to be an exclusively gay-friendly environment. The other 90%.

The one thing I had trouble getting past, though, was how good-looking everyone was. Even the classically “not pretty” women. I thought all the primary characters were lovely, and it was hard not to laugh about it from time to time throughout Season 1. The engaged (to a man) character is, at least to me, like the most beautiful woman ever. If I was her fiance, I would try to work something out. Know what I’m sayin’, fellas? LOL.

Welcome to TV, I suppose.

Season 2? I don’t know. No rush, for sure. It ain’t no Soprano’s.